mardi 18 septembre 2007

The Sand as a Culture

So Western thought is dominated by the complete and radical separation of mind and matter, idea and entity, subject and object, good and evil?

The Diné concept of harmony, balance and order are essential in intellectual, moral, esthetic and social contexts which are as ecological as they are holy.

Thought is the power of all creation, transformation of regeneration and its power to create the world, and transform that which regenerates life.

We must, as far as possible, transcribe the imaginary boundaries between our culture and theirs : the universe is one and indivisible and the world forms a whole.

There is no dichotomy between the sacred and the profane. All things are connected to each other and create a universal and indivisible balance in the Native American world.

Image E. Strigler

Lorenza Garcia - Navajo France

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